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Fera Product Reviews

Show beautiful, simple product reviews with Fera. Reviews help visitors trust your store and can boost sales.

Fera helps you easily collect, show & grow customer reviews, photos & videos for your store. 

Merchants love Fera because they can easily: 

1. Maximize reviews to build customer trust without compromising their visual brand 

2. Import reviews from around the web (Google, Facebook, Etsy, etc.) and show them on their store 

3. Set up review requests to gather reviews from new customers or ask past customers for reviews. 

Start using Fera to manage, show and grow your reviews!

Use Fera to 

  1. Manage Reviews+ Easily
  • Import existing reviews, photos & videos from Google, Facebook, and more!
  • Receive & moderate new submissions
  • Reply to reviews & touch-up content
  1. Show Reviews+ Beautifully
  • Product reviews & all reviews
  • Average product & store rating badges
  • Customer photos & videos
  1. Grow Reviews+ Automatically
  • Automatically ask for reviews+ from new customers
  • Request reviews+ from past customers
  • Offer discounts, loyalty points & cash incentives
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