7 Tips to Write Effective Shopify Titles & Meta Descriptions

Getting your product pages ranked in the #1 position on Google is good, but it should also drive clicks. For this, it should grab attention and stand out from others.

This is why you need to optimize your Shopify titles and meta descriptions. Changing these tags helps you control what will be displayed in the snippet on the search engine result pages, which can influence the click-through rate.

In this post, we’ll dig deeper into what Shopify SEO titles and meta descriptions are and share tips on how to optimize them. 

What is SEO Title & Meta Description?

What is SEO Title & Meta Description

An SEO title, also known as a title tag, is a key element of a webpage that appears as the main headline on search engine results pages (SERPs). It also appears at the top of browser tabs. It helps users and search engines understand what your page is about. 

The meta description is a concise summary of a webpage’s content that appears below the title on SERPs. However, in some cases, Google can display an excerpt from your page’s content as the meta description on its result pages.

Both the title and meta description offer a brief overview of the page.

Steps to Update Meta Title & Description in Shopify

You can add or update the Shopify title and meta description from the search engine listing section of respective product/page settings.

For example, here’s how to update SEO details for product pages:

  1. Click “Products” on the left side of Shopify admin panel. Select the product of your choice. 
  2. Scroll down to the Search engine listing section and click the “Edit” icon. 
  3. Enter the title and meta description for the Shopify product and click “Save“.
How to update meta title on shopify

Follow the same steps when changing the title and meta description for other Shopify pages.

7 Tips For Writing Effective Titles & Meta Descriptions

Effective titles and meta descriptions are essential for attracting visitors to your Shopify store. These elements are the first things people see on search engine results pages, so you should make them compelling.

Here are seven actionable tips to help you craft titles and meta descriptions:

1. Include Keywords 

Keywords are specific words or phrases people use on search engines when looking for something. 

Including relevant keywords in your Shopify title and meta description helps your potential customers find the products you’re selling. It also helps search engines understand what your page is about. This increases your chances of ranking at the top of search results.

For example, if you sell organic skincare products, include keywords like “organic skincare” or “natural skincare products”.

Include Keywords 

2. Highlight Your USP

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) can be an excellent way to stand out from competitors. You can optimize the titles and meta descriptions to reflect these unique benefits.

Let’s say you run an online store that sells skincare products. After evaluating your competitors, you discover that your USP is that your skincare line is eco-friendly, uses organic ingredients, and is designed to be both effective and gentle on the skin.

  • Title: Eco-Friendly Organic Skincare – Nourish Your Skin Naturally”
  • Meta Description: “Discover our eco-friendly organic skincare line that combines natural ingredients with effective results. Perfect for soothing and protecting your skin while caring for the planet.”

Highlighting your USP can help you bring in more visitors who are interested in the product you’re selling. This can also improve the conversion rate by driving more qualified leads to the site.

3. Optimize Character Length

There’s a limit to the number of characters search engines display for titles and meta descriptions. 

Although Google does not disclose specific character limits, it’s a good idea to keep elements optimized for better display. If your SEO title and meta description are too long, it will be cut on the result pages.

Optimize Character Length

Try to keep titles within 50 to 60 characters and meta descriptions within 145 to 160 characters. You can use free tools like SERP Simulator.

4. Make it Unique from Competitors 

Avoid copying titles and meta descriptions as it will do no good.

Instead, the snippet of your page will look like every other similar one out there. You can get inspiration from other sites but don’t copy and paste. Make your title and description tags unique and that will set you apart from others.

If your competitors use generic phrases, add specific details about your products or services to differentiate your store. 

5. Use Numbers 

If possible, you should use numbers in the title and meta description. This could help drive more eyeballs to your snippet on the SERPs.

For example, “Top 10 Organic Skincare Products” is more engaging than “Best Organic Skincare Products”. This way, readers know the length of content to expect from your page making it more transparent. 

6. Keep it Concise

Keep your Shopify title and meta description clear and straight to the point. Avoid fluff and stick to the main message. You want users to be able to grasp the essence of your message at first glance. 

For example, instead of “We offer a wide range of high-quality organic skincare products,” simply say, “High-Quality Organic Skincare Products”. 

7. Add a CTA

A Call to Action (CTA) prompts users to take action on your site. Adding a CTA to your title and description may encourage people to click your link.

Phrases like “Shop now”, “Learn more” or “Discover our collection” can make your Shopify meta description more compelling and boost CTR. For example, “Discover our collection of eco-friendly organic skincare – Shop now!”

By following these tips, you can create effective Shopify titles and meta descriptions that not only improve your SEO but also potentially increase sales. 

Bonus Tip: Use AI to Update Title & Meta Descriptions in Bulk

Updating the Shopify title and meta description for each product can be time-consuming. You can use Shopify AI tools to generate these details and save hours of work.

For example, you can try the Meetanshi AI Content Generator app. It’s a great tool to create relevant content for your store in minutes.

AI to Update Title & Meta Descriptions

It helps you generate optimized titles and meta descriptions for your product pages, ensuring they are SEO-friendly and appealing to your customers.


Implementing all these tips will be a game-changer for your store. You improve your site’s SEO and free up your time to focus on other important aspects of your business. Try out the Meetanshi AI Content Generator app today and see the difference it can make.


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