SMART Scarcity Countdown Timer

SMART Scarcity Countdown Timer

This incredible app allows you to create beautiful countdown timer bars and notify your customers in an easy-to-understand manner when the sale will end. Just as the name suggests, it plays on scarcity and helps you to enhance conversions. 

This free Shopify countdown timer is easy to install, requires no coding, and is incredibly responsive on all devices. What else? To put it shortly, the app allows for personalized scheduling, custom colors, and fonts, as well as personalized greetings for customers! 

Oh, and the SMART Scarcity evergreen countdown timer automatically refreshes anytime you need it to, whether it is just a few minutes or hours. This helps you to maintain continual scarcity while easily increasing your conversions.


  • Click-and point interface
  • Evergreen and regular timers
  • Personalized scheduling and greetings for site visitors

Plans and Pricing: 

  • The app is free to use

Ratings on 4.7 stars (58 reviews)

Essential Apps for Your Shopify Store
On the mission to build a suite of essential Shopify apps to help every merchant.

Essential Apps For Your Shopify Store

On the mission to build a suite of essential Shopify apps to help every merchant.