Shopify secrets unlocked: the seven key elements to building a successful store

seven key elements to building a successful store

Is your Shopify store already thriving, or are you still contemplating jumping into the world of e-commerce? This article will equip you with the seven crucial ingredients for whipping up a successful online business with Shopify.

Running an e-commerce store can feel like juggling spinning plates at times; managing stock, delivery like speedy Gonzales, keeping your customers happy 24/7, and everything else that’s required. But fear not, we’ll guide you through each element to ensure things are as simple and clear as possible. Let’s dive in!

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Inventory management

Picture this: you’re walking on a tightrope, trying to balance two baskets filled with goods. One basket holds your best-selling products, and the other has your backup supply. You need to keep both baskets balanced to avoid falling. That’s exactly what inventory management is like for a successful e-commerce store on Shopify.

Let’s say you have a store that specializes in outdoor gear. You’ve been getting a ton of orders for camping tents during the summer months. But oops! You run out of stock and are unable to fulfill the orders, leading to lost business. Don’t let that happen to you! Keep a close eye on your inventory levels, track trends, and always have backup suppliers at the ready.

To have full control over your inventory, you can turn for help from a reliable third party service. One of such services is provided by Zapiet. By installing Zapiet – Pickup + Delivery, the number one order-management app on Shopify, you can easily manage your inventory, track orders, and offer flexible scheduling options to your customers.

zapiet pickup and delivery

Remember, inventory management is the backbone of any e-commerce business. Get it right, and you’ll be walking on sunshine. Get it wrong, and you’ll be falling flat on your face.

Fast delivery management

Imagine, you’ve ordered something online, and you’re eagerly waiting for it to arrive. You’re like a kid on Christmas morning, checking your doorstep every five minutes. And when the package finally arrives, you feel like you’ve won the lottery. That’s the power of fast delivery management for a successful e-commerce store on Shopify.

A study by Invesp found that 49% of shoppers say that same-day delivery makes them more likely to shop online. Additionally, a survey by Retaildive found that 62% of shoppers expect their free shipping orders to arrive in 3 business days, highlighting the importance of speedy delivery options.

As an online business owner, you need to ensure that your customers receive their orders lightning-fast. Delayed deliveries can lead to disappointed customers, negative reviews, and lost business. That’s why fast delivery management is crucial.

But managing deliveries is no cakewalk. You need to ensure that your delivery process is streamlined, your partners are reliable, and your package tracking system is fool-proof.

Zapiet can also help you handle deliveries due to their rich set of features, including delivery date & time pickers, blackout dates, preparation times to configure how long you need to get your delivery orders ready and much more. What’s more, they offer a vast choice of last-mile delivery partners you can integrate with to provide your clients with the fastest local delivery service.

Remember, in the world of e-commerce, time is of the essence. So don’t keep your customers waiting! With fast delivery management, you’ll be a customer’s best friend and a competitor’s worst nightmare.

Additionally services of e-commerce consulting can help you optimize your operations to ensure you never keep a customer waiting.

Being omnipresent

Being omnipresent as a store owner is like having your finger on the pulse of your business at all times. You are not just limited to one area of operation, but instead, have a presence across various channels, from online marketplaces and social media (43% of global shoppers research products online via social networks) to brick-and-mortar stores. Just as a skilled conductor can lead an orchestra with precision and finesse, an omnipresent store owner can harmoniously manage all aspects of their business, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. You can anticipate and respond to different customer needs and preferences, ensuring that your business is always in tune and in sync with the market.

Take, for instance, Purl Beauty, a Shopify store that sells organic skincare products. They have attracted 1.3 million followers on TikTok with its account @Facialmasklab. They  use this account to market their unique mask machine, which allows their clients to create and use their facial masks at home. In their popular videos, they explain how to make masks using a wide variety of ingredients, like this one using matcha green tea

The videos give inspiration for how to use the machine and are satisfying to watch. This inspiration and satisfaction leads customers to their website to purchase the machine, resulting in higher sales. That’s the power of using multiple channels and providing a seamless shopping experience.

Give a multi-channel approach a try: interact with your customers, use social media to your advantage and conduct your business like a virtuoso orchestra.

Round-the-clock customer service

90% of customers say that customer service is a critical factor when deciding where to shop. That’s right! Customer service can make or break an e-commerce store’s success, and being available round-the-clock is key.

Imagine you run a Shopify store that sells luxury watches. You have a customer in a different time zone who is having trouble placing an order. As the store owner, it is down to you to decide if time zones should come in the way of providing exceptional customer service or not. If you can promptly respond to the customer’s queries and help them place the order – you gain trust and loyalty.

By prioritizing customer service and going above and beyond to help your customers, you can take your e-commerce store from good to great.

Payment options

Did you know that offering the right payment options can be a make-or-break factor for your e-commerce store’s success? As an online store owner, it’s crucial to offer a variety of payment options that cater to your customers’ needs.

Think about it – would you shop on an online store that only accepts one type of credit card? Probably not. That’s why it’s essential to provide multiple payment options, including credit cards, PayPal, and other popular payment gateways.

But that’s not all; accepting emerging payment methods like cryptocurrency can give your e-commerce store a unique edge. For example, an apparel Shopify store started accepting cryptocurrency payments, which resulted in increased sales from tech-savvy customers who preferred using  this method of payment. accepts various payment methods, including Cryptocurrency

By offering diverse payment options, you’ll attract more customers and increase your sales. So, keep an eye on emerging payment methods and make it easy for your customers to pay. It’s time to give your e-commerce store the boost it deserves!

User-friendly interface

Imagine walking into a store with confusing signs, cluttered shelves, and no clear indication of where to find what you’re looking for. You’d probably get frustrated and leave without making a purchase, right? The same applies to e-commerce stores – having a user-friendly interface is crucial for your online store’s success.
According to Intechnic, a good user interface can increase websites’ conversion rates by up to 200%. While Toptal mentions that 88% of users won’t return to a site solely due to bad UX. offers intuitive navigation offers intuitive navigation

Ensure that your homepage is clutter-free, the navigation is intuitive, and the checkout process is seamless. By doing so, you’ll provide an enjoyable shopping experience that’ll keep customers coming back for more.

Mobile website optimization

According to Insider Intelligence, by 2025 retail m-commerce (mobile commerce) sales are expected to reach $728.28 billion and account for 44.2% of retail e-commerce sales in the US. That’s why it’s crucial to optimize your e-commerce store’s mobile website to provide a seamless shopping experience for customers.

With 57% of customers looking for well-established mobile-friendly websites, you can see a significant increase in mobile sales by optimizing your online store. Make sure that your website is quick to load, mobile friendly, and easy to navigate, and your mobile sales will skyrocket!

If you’re looking to build a successful e-commerce store on Shopify, you need to have a well-thought-out strategy that encompasses these critical elements:inventory management, fast delivery, a multi-channel presence, excellent customer service, multiple payment options, a user-friendly interface, and mobile website optimization. These tips will help boost your sales, improve your customer experience, and grow your business in the long run. But it’s not just about having a plan; you also need to leverage Shopify’s app store to find the right tools to optimize your store’s performance and stay ahead of the competition. With Shopify’s powerful features and your dedication, there’s no limit to what you can achieve in the exciting world of e-commerce. So, roll up your sleeves, get to work, and watch your business soar!


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